Farming as a Service
Provides a DIY, decentralized staking pools for users who HODL your token to reward them for holding!
Direct Link
Smart Contract
How many supported blockchains?
All OKLG-supported blockchains
Cost of using service?
$300 USD per staking pool per month of the pool lifespan*
*The lifespan of the pool is estimated based on the average number of blocks that are mined depending on the blockchain the pool is created on.
How do I stake my tokens as a user who wants rewards?
How do I create a new staking pool as a project owner?
I am a project owner and want to create a new staking pool. What happens if my token has transfer fees taken out? A: You should account for and either exclude the staking contract from transfer fees or communicate to your community that them staking/unstaking their tokens will incur the transfer fees.
I am having trouble staking/unstaking large amounts of tokens. What do I do? A: Almost every instance there are errors staking/unstaking tokens, there is a maximum transfer limit on the token contract that is preventing sending that many tokens. The project should handle lifting this transfer limit or removing it to support staking. We cannot do anything on our end to resolve this issue.
Last updated
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